It is a female youth leadership curriculum based on strong core character values and a servant leadership model approach. My leadership curriculum is designed on 5 points of our icon; the star of Bethlehem. God made two great lights-the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars. God set them in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth, to govern the day and the night, and to separate light from darkness. Genesis 1:14-18
The points of the star represent the 5 core virtues of a successful young Christian lady.
• Self Awareness
• Work Ethic
• Acceptance of others
• Trust in self
Our teams will recite and understand the Five Virtues while expressing its value after each mentor session.
“I know who I AM and I have value. I will learn about others and value their unique contributions. I will be loyal to myself and accept others as God made them. I will give more than I take. Most of all, I am grateful!”
Each point of the star contains impactful lessons that can be easily implemented in a weekly or monthly instructional format or taught in a short session such as a summer camp, youth leadership intensive or seminar. The Warrior Princess Leadership Academy is comprised of one-on-one coaching, group coaching, community outreach events, and workshops. MaLeesa also facilitates Domestic & International mission trips to Mexico. Your Inspiration Connection is on a mission to empower young female leaders and build bridges between countries and cultures.
In my workshop I will help young ladies to create their own playbook using my proven success model focusing on FAITH, LOVE, DIVERSITY, SOLUTIONS, CONFIDENCE, GROWTH, SERVICE.
Contact Coach MaLeesa to sign up for her next workshop. She needs five or more young ladies to have a workshop. She believes so much in her program that she is willing to provide discounted rates to those families that cannot pay her full workshop enrollment fee. She wants as many people as possible to join this community of rising stars!
This year she will be offering the curriculum for ages 13-18. When clients sign up they must commit to attending the entire workshop. We will be covering the curriculum outlined in the course. Special guests will be brought in to speak to the young ladies. I choose dynamic women that have impactful stories to share.
I would like to make this available to as many as possible and I wants it to be an affordable and high value option! Because of that, this course will be a flat $250 supply and participation fee to pay for the manuals, snacks and travel expenses. Payment can be made by check, cash or Zelle and is due one week prior to the workshop. One on one coaching is $150 per hour. I also do Mother and Daughter coaching and the hourly fee is $300.00.